Electronic Equipment Insurance covers all electric equipments with moderate power requirements against material damage.
The term "electronic equipment" comprises, in the context of this insurance, all electrical and electronic systems such as:
- Electronic Data Processing (EDP) equipment
- Electrical equipment for medical use
- Communication facilities
- Lighting and navigation facilities
- Equipment for research and materials testing
- The owner as the operator, the lesser, or the maintainer
- The hirer
Electronic equipment insurance is "accident" insurance on an all risks basis covering sudden and unforeseen losses which physically affect the subject matter insured. Losses due to the following causes give rise to the vast majority of all claims:
- Fire, lightning, explosion
- Smoke, soot, corrosive gases
- Water and humidity
- Failure of air conditioning
- Short circuit and other electrical causes
- Design, manufacturing, assembly and erection faults, defects in casting and material, workshop errors, bad workmanship
- Faulty operation, lack of skill, gross negligence
- Malicious acts of workmen, employees, third parties
- Burglary
- Hail, frost
- War or warlike operations, civil commotion of any kind as well as acts on the part of strikers and locked out persons
- Willful acts or willful negligence on the part of the insured or of his representatives
- Faults or defects for which a third party (supplier) is responsible either by law or under contract (losses covered by warranty)
- Wear and tear
- Failure or interruption of gas, water or electricity services (certain exceptions being possible in special cases)
- Aesthetic defects, e.g. scratches on painted, polished or varnished surfaces
- Consequential loss and liability of all kinds (with the exception of additional expenses for computer operation)
Usually premium is paid through cheque or demand draft addressed to Adamjee Insurance Company Limited to it's designated offices anywhere in Pakistan and UAE.
Claim Reporting Process
Essential documents for lodging claim:
- Duly filled-in, signed and stamped Claim Form
- Incident report
- Provision of a valid policy document covering the damaged asset
- Police report (F.I.R.) for theft/ burglary cases
- Delay in intimating the claim
- Non-provisions of claim form
- Wrong description of item affected / damaged
- Non provision of bills
- Non provision of F.I.R. in case of theft / burglar
Electronic Equipment Insurance
Reviewed by BARI.0492
September 05, 2012

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