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FlexiLife - MCB Bank Limited | Jubilee Life


Your family is your pride and joy, and you strive to give them a fulfilling and worry-free life. But life is full of uncertainty and risk and even the best laid plans can be upset in a moment. To prepare yourself and your family to handle the shocks and surprises that may be in store, you need an investment plan that is flexible enough to handle all your life insurance and saving needs.FlexiLife is a plan to help you secure your family’s future with a wide range of benefits and options to meet a variety of different financial needs and make your ‘Har Pal Mehfooz’For details, you may visit your nearest MCB Branch or log on to
MCB Bank Limited | Jubilee Life
FlexiLife - MCB Bank Limited | Jubilee Life FlexiLife - MCB Bank Limited | Jubilee Life Reviewed by BARI.0492 on August 22, 2014 Rating: 5

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