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Micro Insurance | Jubilee Life

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Micro Insurance“enabling people to overcome uncertainty”Over 30% of Pakistan’s population lives in poverty, and that number is only likely to go up in the near future. Let that shocking fact sink in for a moment. Theirs is a life lived on the margins, a life of uncertainty where the illness of a single family member, or an unforeseen disaster, can push the entire household into an endless cycle of debt and repayment. Entire generations are then held hostage to a system in which they cannot possibly hope to win. But does that mean that it is impossible for the poor to look forward to a life where uncertainty is not the norm? In keeping with our vision of ‘enabling people to overcome uncertainty’ Jubilee Life is committed to providing even the poorest members of society the chance for a better tomorrow. Based on the principles of Affordability, Accessibility, Flexibility and Simplicity, our pioneering microinsurance products have already provided insurance benefits to a previously untapped market of over 1,000,000 people.Aimed at providing life and health insurance benefits to the classes who cannot typically afford such facilities, we offer Credit Life and Savings Completion products including supplementary benefits like Funeral Expense. Best of all, this coverage can be obtained by making manageable, low premium payments. At Jubilee Life we believe that poverty must not equal powerlessness, and we have the products to prove it.
Micro Insurance | Jubilee Life
Micro Insurance | Jubilee Life Micro Insurance | Jubilee Life Reviewed by BARI.0492 on August 22, 2014 Rating: 5

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