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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the IBAN?
IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number. An IBAN is not a new account number, but simply a new format for an existing bank account number that will be recognized internationally.

The IBAN facilitates the communication and processing of payment transactions. The IBAN is an international standard for identifying bank accounts (excluding credit cards). The main purpose of IBAN is to facilitate the automatic processing of money transfers, to improve the speed and accuracy of your payment transactions.
An IBAN contains information relating to the country, bank and branch of the beneficiary as well as the account number itself.
Can you briefly explain the Askari Bank IBAN in Pakistan?
Based on the above the IBAN for Pakistan will be 24 characters:

  • Country code identifies the country in which the IBAN was issued and where the IBAN account is held
  • Check number enables a banking institution to complete an integrity check of the IBAN. It will vary from one IBAN to another
  • Bank code identifies the IBAN account holder's bank
  • Account number identifies the account into which funds should be transferred.
How is the IBAN formed for Askari Bank in Pakistan ?
Country CodeCheck DigitBank Code Account Number
  • First two digits will be Country Code
  • Next two digits will be check digits
  • Next four digits will be Bank Code
  • Last 16 digits will be customer’s account number
Your Existing Account Number is: 0010110203819 *
Your IBAN Number is: PK69ASCM0000010110203819 *

* Above example is for Askari Bank Limited Account Holders
How would IBAN benefit me?The main benefit is that IBAN should provide you with quicker processing of your funds transfer. Since banks are required to check the accuracy of the IBAN at the point of initiating a fund transfer, they can only make the funds transfer which carry the correct IBAN.
Do I need an IBAN?
All bank customers, who receive or make fund transfers through Pakistan, will require an IBAN. If you have multiple bank accounts, you will require an IBAN for each one.

When can I use IBAN in Pakistan?
You can start using IBAN for your local and international fund transfers from 30 June 2013.

How would bank customers benefit from IBAN?
The main benefit of IBAN to the customer is the assurance of making a payment to the correct account without delay.

How can I get my IBAN?
We will send you the equivalent IBAN for every account you hold with us by 31 December 2012. You will also see your equivalent ΙΒΑΝ on your bank statement after December 31, 2012. You can also retrieve your IBAN from our bank’s website at
Generate IBAN
What can I use IBAN for?
IBAN can be used for the following local and international payments after June 30, 2013:

  • Making a fund transfer (through a bank) to an account at a bank in Pakistan;
  • Making a payment (through a bank) to an account in a country that has adopted IBAN;
  • Receiving a fund transfer (through a bank) from an account at a bank in Pakistan;
  • Receiving a fund transfer (through a bank) from an account in a country that has adopted IBAN; and
  • Receiving a fund transfer (through a bank) from an account in a country that has not adopted IBAN.
What is the difference between an IBAN and a normal account number?
An IBAN can always be distinguished from a normal customer account number by the following:

  • Two letters at the beginning of the IBAN, which refer to the country code where the account resides; and
  • The length of the IBAN is 24 characters.
Do my existing account number(s) become invalid with the introduction of IBAN?
No, your existing account number(s) will continue to be valid. IBAN is not a new account number. It simply represents the existing account number in a recognizable ISO standard format. The adoption of IBAN in Pakistan does not require changing or replacing the existing account numbers.

Will the IBAN only be used for international funds transfer ?
No, the IBAN must be used for sending and receiving local and international funds transfer.

How will the IBAN appear on my Online Banking account?
You will not be able to see your IBAN on Online Banking. However, you will be able to see your IBAN on your statements and balance reports.

Will there be any additional charges associated with using IBAN?
Presently, there is no additional charge for using IBAN other than our normal transaction processing fees.

 Why did the SBP decide to introduce IBAN?
The SBP decided to implement IBAN to increase efficiency / accuracy of customer payment transactions without any delay.

When can Askari Bank customers use IBAN in Pakistan?
Bank customers can use IBAN for their interbank domestic and cross-border electronic payments after June 30, 2013.

What happens if we don’t mention Beneficiary account as IBAN after June 30, 2013?
Banks will not process and will reject such transfers if they do not contain a valid IBAN account number after June 30, 2013.

How can I find generate and validate my IBAN number?
You can visit the website link
"Generate IBAN" and input your valid Askari Bank Pakistan account number to generate your IBAN number.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Reviewed by BARI.0492 on March 01, 2014 Rating: 5

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